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Jun 7 / Boss

Cool stuff to do with your new .TEL

OMG, I have so many ideas, they aren’t coming through my fingers fast enough… while you wait for my fingers to catch up to my brain, you can see this post:

..continued finger leakage:

Telnic (the consortium that brought you .TEL) has announced they will be adding the hCard format to their wonderful self-hosting product.  That’s cool.  Why?  Well, because it’s just a really easy way for someone to interact with your contact details while viewing your page.

Customize the look and feel of your individual pages (that’s the “me” part of using their fancy new templates and page customizer (colours only, right now)

Don’t bother updating contact information on 47 different social sites, simply include a link to and make it easy for people to click+contact you.

Generate a QR Code to point a potential customers’ web browser directly at your .TEL page — allowing them to get your contact information without fumbling around.

Put your .TEL in your signature